Remote Work – The New Norm

Remote work is an operating model that enables the work force to do their duties away from the typical office environment. Flexible working arrangements have been a trend in the ever-changing world before the Pandemic. The remote working has been increased in significant way due to COVID -19. This outbreak has compelled countries all around the world to implement various restrictions to people movements due to partial or total lockdowns and imposed social distancing protocols to control the spread of the virus. Large number of workers has shifted to virtual ways of working and some workers cannot carry out their jobs remote as they worked in sectors like retail, child care, elder care and health care. Most of the employees shifted for this virtual working for the first time. Some companies not allow their employees to work from home (WFH) due to fears of reducing productivity, limitations of infrastructure, cybersecurity, data protection, lack of system access from home (Ganado, et al., 2020).

Image I – Work From Home

Source: (

Pros of remote working 

  • More independence and flexibility.
  • Cost saving for both employer and employee.
  • Increased productivity.
  • No office distractions.
  • Collaborate across locations.
  • Better work-life balance.
  • It’s a powerful recruitment tool.
  • Improved technical and communicational skills.
  • Reduction in work absence.
  • Increased job satisfaction.

Cons of remote working

  • Collaboration and communication challenges among remote teams.
  • Potential for isolation.
  • Decreased visibility.
  • Security issues (Cyber security/ Data protection).
  • Home office cost.
  • Risk of overworking.
  • Risk to productivity.
  • Distractions at home.
  • Workplace disconnect.
  • Disproportionate work-life balance.
  • Less face time. (Team, 2021)

How to keep Productivity when WFH or working remotely in the Long – term

  1. Upholding standards – Keep the quality, security, confidentiality and exceptional service remain a key priority.
  2. Dress for the day – Even when working from home, encourage staff to ready for the day. This helps to sustain the productivity and well-being.
  3. Virtual etiquette – Ensure high engagement, limited multitasking and no massages or phone call reminders included prior to commence the meeting in order to ensure and maintain the online meeting is conducted on a timely manner to respect the time schedules of all participants.
  4. Team alignment is most important – Ensure the team is set-out with required goals, expectations, preferred ways of working and communicating. Internal communication should be kept in an utmost manner to drive the team toward the goal.
  5. Develop a ritual – Ensure all the employees who WFH are having a time schedule to start and conclude their office work and develop a plan to schedule the routine work of an employee. This is helps them to ensure the work life balance (Vitalsmarts, 2021).
For example, in Hopper, which is a Canadian technology company that processed trillions of data points, allowing personalized travel recommendations, remote work method has immensely helped the workers to manage their  work-life-balance and also to achieve the company target in an enormous manner (flexjobs, 2021)

Image II – Hopper

Source: (


Physical location of a working place has been gradually losing its importance, since the information technology has become the major part of the organization. As most of the countries have been implemented fully lockdowns due to the COVID – 19 outbreak, the only alternative to organizations to perform their duties is WFH which adjusting their work activities to a different location but maintaining their goals and responsibilities. If there is a suitable work space at home, WFH is the safest and most productive way to perform duties in a crucial time and in regular time. 


flexjobs, 2021. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 08 2021].

Ganado, M., Lautier, M., Attard, C. & Bencini, B. P., 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 August 2021].

Team, I. E., 2021. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 August 2021].

Vitalsmarts, 2021. Work-from-home habits of effecrive people - How to be productive when your routine changes, New York: VItal Smarts.


  1. Digital technology produce changes in work and management, especially when work is done away from the office premises by working remotely. Such changes may give remote workers local flexibility, in the mid of pandemic situation. There is a growing concern to align remote work strategy with labor process theory to increase firm positions in Global Value Chains. Thankyou for sharing this timely article Wathsala.

  2. Many Chinese firms have quickly adopted local productivity solutions such as Alibaba’s DingTalk or WeChat Work to communicate and deliver weekly meetings, training, and lectures. For example, as COVID-19 out brake, monthly active users of DingTalk jumped by 66 percent to more than 125 million. Many multinational firms accelerated roll-out of productivity solutions they were already using elsewhere, like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom. Thanks for sharing this Wathsala.

  3. Wathsala you have explained perfectly. Remote work has increased significantly in an effort to control the spread of the COVID-19. Work From Home/WFH will not always have an impact on reducing productivity or limited infrastructure, but WFH is a more flexible way of completing work so that it can increase productivity and gain job satisfaction because with WFH, employees are also more open to technology insights.

  4. correctly said wathsala, remote workers often have more time and fewer distractions, leading to increased productivity , a huge advantage of working from home for both employers and employers alike. When done well, remote work allows employees and companies to focus on what is most important performance.

  5. Good topic for these days Wathsala . At the initial stage of the pandemic, organizations have switched to work from home concept as a contingency plan without having proper tools and experience. However, uncertainty of the pandemic with rapid changers of virus variants, remote working and maintaining social distancing has become core features of new normal working environment. HRM has a vital part to ensure continuation of organization operation under the new normal while looking employee’s health and well-being during the pandemic. I see lot of advantages and very little down side of this remote working concept .

  6. Working from home may appear to be the ideal situation during this pandemic, given the strict restrictions on movement imposed by the disease. However, WFH clearly misses our colleagues, as well as social networking and motivational opportunities. You've done an excellent job of presenting it.

  7. Wathsala you have nicely lined up the content, by the year 2021. It has brought remote work to a whole new level. The epidemic has shown us how important and effective the option of doing daily activities from home is, and that remote workers are still carrying out the results. At this time, working remotely was not a benefit, an alternative, or a type of work that represented some form of luxury. Working from home is a must and a good way to save our lives, and the people around us. thanks for sharing.

  8. Hello, Wathsala. Great topic, well-written with evidence to back it up. I agree with you. As the Covid-19 pandemic expanded over the world, managing the shift to remote working became a top priority for most organizations.  A clear explanation given. Thank you for sharing this.

  9. As you mentioned in the article However, remote work is not always productive. Employees who work from home may be less productive if they don't have the right conditions, resources, and tools.
    There are a few things employers can do to make remote work successful:
    1. Provide the right technology and resources
    2. Set up clear work schedules
    3. Encourage Communication

  10. An outline The destiny of labor is Now certainly defined, remote work is an working model that permits the staff to fulfil their duties faraway from the everyday office environment. it's far premised on a mutual know-how that personnel do now not want to be found in an office to execute their obligations

  11. Working from home can improve the environment, your financial account, your health, and your productivity. Businesses and employees can both benefit from a staff that can work from home if they are properly trained and cared for.
