Outsourcing Vs. organizational performance


The overhead cost has become one of the critical factors of most of the running organizations in every corner of the world. Amid the overhead cost, administrative cost related to employees has become a significant parameter. As a solution for this issue, most of the companies seek the support of outside service providers by way of semi-finished products, finished products or services which simply defined as “outsourcing”. It is observed that, outsourcing leads to a significant rapprochement between the supplier and the buyer. An important flow of technical and organizational information becomes sharing between these two parties which could not be controlled in some occasions (Bera, 2017).

The impact of outsourcing

The impact of outsourcing for an organization is very important. There may be both pros and cons of outsourcing organizational work to a third party. However, large number of occupations could be created with lot of ease ways with this concept and even the women who possess a quite a low education could find their opportunity through outsourcing. Further there may be cultural mix-up with this concept and unique organizational culture may be harmed up to some extent (Yang, et al., 2012)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing

Advantages of Outsourcing: The main advantages of outsourcing are focus on core activities, cost savings, access to experience, improving performance, and flexibility. Further, handing over non-important work of an organization to a third party or in other words, outsourced company, may allow the management of a particular company to focus more on their core business activities and pay much attention on improving the profitability of the company. Also with the outsourcing, companies have the possibility to access to highly qualified personnel, who may not be available to the client organization (Weidenbaum, 2005)

Disadvantages of Outsourcing: Main disadvantages of outsourcing are loss of managerial control over outsourced operations, threat to security and confidentiality, quality problems, hidden costs and reallocation of existing teams. Disadvantage related to the loss of control over the outsourced operations stem from the reason that managing external resources requires special skills which is a combination of the skills of people and process management, contract management, and power negotiation (Tayauova, 2012)



 Figure I – Pros and cons of Outsourcing

(Source – www. The balance small business.com)


Number of studies have revealed that, outsourcing has an impact on the performance of the company based on several factors such as administration and management decision, environmental factors and also financial plus innovation management. Specifically, outsourcing may positively relate to performance for firms pursuing a cost leadership strategy and negatively related to performance for firms that were not. Furthermore, outsourcing may positively relate to performance for innovative differentiators and negatively related to firms that were not pursuing innovative differentiation strategies (Gilley & Rasheed, 2000)



Bera, S. P., 2017. The concept of outsourcing. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 19(4), pp. 45-47.

Gilley, K. M. & Rasheed, A., 2000. Making More by Doing Less: An Analysis of Outsourcing and its Effects on Firm Performance. ournal of Management, 26(4), pp. 763-790.

Tayauova, G., 2012. Advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing: analysis of outsourcing practices of Kazakhstan banks. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 41(5), pp. 188-195.

Weidenbaum, M., 2005. Outsourcing: Pros and cons. Outsourcing: Pros and consB, 48(5), pp. 311-315.

Yang, C., Wacker, J. G. & Sheu, C., 2012. What makes outsourcing effective?. International Journal of Production Research, 50(16), pp. 4462-4476.




  1. Good content Wathsala. I do agree that in cost leader perspective it is very good approach and highly appreciated to do outsourcing. However, employees are Human being with some kind of sentimental issues. The important thing is how to avoid this feeling like ignorance when we hire a person outside of allocate our part of the process to outside company. We see in sri lankan context most of the banking and finace sector utilizing this tool to overcome cost issues and to mitigate the processing delays due to high conpetition in the feild. In my point of veiw this is a process where we have be so conscious on emplyee sentimentals and resourse effectiveness. Hence outsourcing may be enhance the performance in short run , however in the long run employee turnovers, employee dissatisfactions and aquiring threats may arise .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The relationship between outsourcing and Organizational performance would be interesting to scrutinize. Agreed it is a cost effective method and favour the competitiveness of enterprises. But need to come up with stratergies to mitigate the risk associated with it. A very good article Wathsala. Thankyou for sharing.

  4. Outsourcing do have pros and cons. But from the cost effective view I agree with you. A different topic with a new view, I liked the way you explain the process.

  5. Outsourcing is a very effective method in terms of cost saving and most of the time it's hassle free. It is a new trend in business world, Organizations should carefully identify what are the units that needed to outsource . It is very important decision and there should be a proper way to overlook and make sure everything is complied .

  6. Outsourcing is the latest buzzword these days, as more and more cost and quality conscious business all over the word are turning to destinations like India for outsourcing their non-core business processes. (Example: Call centers, Software development)

  7. Good article Wathsala. Outsourcing is a common practice of contracting out business functions or processes to third party provider. The benefits of outsourcing can be substantial, from cost savings and efficiency gains to greater competitive advantage. On the other hand, loss of control over the outsourced function is often a potential business risk. Management should consider carefully the pros and cons of outsourcing before deciding to contract out any activities or business operations. Thanks for sharing

  8. Good article with nice flow.A bit of argument topic.
    The proper identification of key HR initiatives and functions that can be outsourced will be critical to the positive impact of outsourcing an organization's functioning, supported by the right outsourcing partner who shares the organization's vision.

  9. Interesting article.fee driven outsourcing led to progressed organizational overall performance by means of decreasing fees and dangers while increasing operational performance, each inside the short time period and long time

  10. You may obtain support and direction from a big team of experienced and certified HR, Benefits, Payroll, Compliance, Recruiting, and HR technology professionals by outsourcing your human resource needs (salaries, taxes, insurance, vacation, office space).

  11. Thank you for adding your valuable comment Nadeeshan
