Work-Life Balance (WLB)

Work-life balance (WLB) is about feeling comfortable with both work and personal commitments. There are three essential components in WLB namely paid work, unpaid work and personal time. There is no one accepted definition for WLB in practice and the term usually refers to the following two factors.

  • Organizational factors for dependent care.
  • Flexible working arrangements and personal, family leave.

WLB consists of five aspects of one’s life at any given time namely, work, family, friends, health and safe. Some factors are key and lead to disruption in WLB such as increased level of stress, competition and insecurity in the work place. In the past decade changes in the work place and employee demographic were the increased concerns for the gap between employee work and non-work lives. Huge impact made on employee’s personal time by mandatory overtime, shift work, on-call duties and week end / holiday coverage imposed by the employer (Agha, et al., 2017).

Importance of Work Life Balance

Interrogations between work and non-work responsibilities can result a number of negative out comes. Finally, it goes to a lower level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Both work -to-life and life-to-work dispute have also been connected with increased stress level and burnout, psychological difficulties such as staying wake, low level of concentration and alertness as well as decreasing level of health and energy (Bloom , et al., 2009).

Every person needs to have a time to relax and recharge. It increases the ability to improve their performance level. Hence from a Management point of view it is essential to encourage employees to take time off from work without putting them in long working hours. Creating a culture that helps a person to do activities what they love to do, will help them to be better employees, friends and family members. Once the time to work is over the employee need to walk away from the office. This is not easy to achieve since there are people who demands on individual’s time. People need to learn to say “NO” and agree to take only an essential work.

With Work-life balance employees are able to take time to enjoy the life they have work so hard to create. They have time for family and friends too. Without creating a WLB person they take their stress out in their loved once. Prolonged Stress resulted employees’ physical disorders and illnesses like, heart decease, diabetes and are associated with health risks such as increased smoking and alcohol consumption, weight gain and depression (Meenakshi , et al., 2013).

Figure I : Work life balance

Source : (Career Advancement)


Steps to a better Work-life Balance

  1. Effective and efficient time management.
  2. Spend some time thinking about what is most important, and create a list of top priorities for home and work.
  3. Structure the day, plan the work assigned for the day and accomplish the target.
  4. Leave work at the work place and don’t bring the work to home and viz versa .
  5. Learn to say No to self and others as an when required.
The modern workplace has experienced many changes and with these changes comes added pressure and stressors.  The need for balancing work and life has never been more prevalent as both the pressure and stressors are indeed link to the health and well being of the employees.  It is important that work-life balance and wellness programs be partnered to full effect. The nature of work environments has changes in a significant manner with the recent time and employers need to set up their minds to manage their employees’ WLB in order to achieve the organizational goals (Morganson, et al., 2010).


Agha, K., Azmi , F. T. & Irfan , A., 2017. Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical study Focusing on Higher Education Teachers in Oman. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity , 7(3), p. 164.

Bloom , N., Kretschmer, T. & Reenan, J. V., 2009. Work-life balance, management practices and productivity. International Differences in the Business Practice and Productivity of Firms, 1(1), pp. 15-54.

Meenakshi , S. P., Subramanium, V. & Ravichandran , K., 2013. The Importance of Work-Life-Balance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management , 14(3), pp. 31-35.

Morganson, J., Major, D. A. & Oborn, K. L., 2010. Comparing telework locationsand traditional workarrangements : Differences in work-life balance support, jobsatisfaction, and inclusion. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(6), pp. 581-583.




  1. I personally believe that being successful means having a balance of success many areas of life. If your personal life is in ruins, you can't truly be considered successful in business. Through your post you have nicely pointed about Work-life balance and importance of WLB. brief of your post is more important, it shows how WLB helps to reduce stress and how it helps to be successful in the workplace.
    Well manage article and great effort..

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable comment Umesh.

  2. The balance between the work life and your personal life is extremely important for each and every employee. A slight change in either will lead to lots of trouble.
    The employee will not be able to perform, might get sick or may end up by leaving...
    I feel this is a crucial factor as well as highly sensitive and I personally appreciate you for choosing this topic.

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable comment Gangani.

  3. My personal experiences say that Work life balancing is most important to your inner peace and for your improvement in both work and home life. Specially in Asia- Pacific countries women lead a huge role in their personal life. By being a working woman , I personally experienced all those things what you mentioned in your article. "Do your job at the office, but be yourself at your home." From the whole article I copied your sentence here which touch for me, is "People need to learn to say “NO” and agree to take only an essential work."

  4. Work-Life Balance is an essential part of modern day life. Though we are following our dream job or rather our fashion or may be just being the bread winner yet we all have to have enough and quality time to spend with our loved once. Unless otherwise we will earn money but will end up living an anxious life. As we all know most of the employers’ trying to utilized employees at their maximum or beyond capacity. Which is very unhealthy . This is a topic that we should discuss more frequently in open forums. You have written an amazing article Wathsala .

    1. Thank you very much Tharindu for sharing your valuable ideas.

  5. Dear Wathsala

    WLB is a crucial factor in a employer's life and its reduce stress make a pleasant mind in you. Happy people will do wonders to improve Organisation position. Therefore employers effort on WLB will be a long term return to an organisation

    1. Totally agree with your comment Sunith. Emploers should pay more attention on WLB to maximize their profits.

  6. Dear Wathsala

    New communication technologies have taken the boundaries away between work life and personal life. Because our ultimate goal for each day is happiness, we should strive for a work-life balance. This is a must-talk topic in a society where human welfare is threatened by pressure and depression.

    1. Yes. New communication technologies have become disturbing both work life and personal life. Thank you for your valuable comment.

  7. Congratulations Wathsala, You have discussed a very timely and exiting topic. With this pandemic situation, remote working environment gives us an another chance regarding WLB and organizations should more concern on this trend. You have given a lot of information but your argument is Not highlighted in the article it would be better if you can improve your argument more sophisticated manner. Thank you for sharing your ideas

  8. Thank you for sharing this Wathsala, I find this subject an important topic to be discussed as presently it is seen we are increasingly moving towards out of balance between work & life by increasing the weigh to one side of the scale due to several reasons and ultimately end up stress, relationship issues and poor performance. The 5 steps you have mentioned to improve the work-life balance is interesting.

  9. An interesting and timely topic Wathsala. Achieving satisfying experiences in all life domains and to do so requires personal resources such as energy, time and commitment to be well distributed across domains. Thankyou for sharing.

  10. Very good topic to discussed Wathsala, I would re-emphasize what Parami comment “People need to learn to say “NO” and agree to take only an essential work." This is most important statement I picked. Thanks for sharing.

  11. It's never been easy to balance work, home, and everything else. This is certainly the most popular issue to discuss over and over again. It is very important for both employees and employers. Having a healthy work-life balance means that employees will be happier when they come to work. This, in turn, helps reduce stress and increase productivity. Thanks for the valuable article.

    1. Agree with you Kanchana. Its not easy to balance work life and personal life How ever if we are able to balance these two factors it would be a win win situation for both parties.

  12. Very good topic Wathsala. Work life balance is a method which helps employees to balance their personal and professional lives. Work life balance encourages employees to divide their time on the basis on priorities and maintain a balance by devoting time to family, health, vacations. It is an important concept in the world of business as it helps to motivate the employees and increases their loyalty towards the organization. Thanks for sharing

  13. Thank you for your valuable comment Harsha.

  14. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only important for health and relationships, but it can also improve your employee’s productivity, and ultimately performance. Informative and very important topic.

  15. Appreciate your valuable comment on my blog Mihirani

  16. Work life balance is an internal psychological factor of every employee which every company needs to look into. An employee with a balanced work life environment can bring in wonders of benefits to company. A relax state of mind will enable an employee to focus more on the job, duty and that too will enable to think out of the box and bringing in vital solutions and ideas for the betterment of the company. Also, it will bring in good fortune in terms of the job. Over all it will be win win situation for both the company and employee. Thank you.

  17. Good topic balance is the concept that a fulfilling existence outdoor of work allows improve work performance whilst lowering pressure. The time someone spends operating have to be balanced through time spent with pals and family, maintaining healthy, travelling, and doing different pleasant pastimes.

  18. work-life balance is the concept that a fulfilling existence outdoor of work allows improve work performance whilst lowering pressure. The time someone spends operating have to be balanced through time spent with pals and family, maintaining healthy, travelling, and doing different pleasant pastimes.

  19. Thank you for the valuable comment Bhashitha

  20. This is a timely effective article Wathsala. Thanks for sharing this.
    Work Life balancing is a art that boost the performance of the people. Planning, scheduling and organizing are the key parameters that decide the quality of the work life balancing. The great professional balance their life style in a proper equilibrium which not biased to one single direction.

  21. Thank you for adding your valuable comment Duminda

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