Emotional Intelligence in Human Resource


Image I – Emotional Intelligence (Source: www.constructionexec.com)


Emotional Intelligence is the perception, evaluation, and management of emotions in yourself and others. This concept tries to connect emotion, cognition and meta-cognitive processes. People who possess a high degree of emotional intelligence know themselves very well and are also be able to sense the emotions of others. At present the world economy has become more global with information and new technology, as a result working environments became more demanding and competitive. Emotional Intelligence provides a framework of skills, which prior, and are responsible for behaviors considered to help people to be successful and effective at their work (Papoutsi & Digras, 2018).

Every organization is an emotional place because it is a human origination, fulfilling human purposes and dependent on people to function. Leaders and employees should have emotional skills than technical skills. It is important for leaders to better understanding of their employees, to create a friendly and more comfortable working environment, to solve problems easily, make decisions smoothly and also for the self-management and self-control (Serrat, 2017).

Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence

Self- awareness - Most Important part of emotional intelligence. People with high emotional intelligence understand their emotions, they are confident and they trust their intuition and don’t let their emotions get out of control. Since they know their strengths and weaknesses, they can perform better.

Self-Regulation – This is known as ability control emotions and impulses. They don’t allow themselves to become too angry or jealous and they don’t make impetuous and inattentive decisions. These people are very thoughtful, positive towards change, integrity and ability to say NO.

Motivation – People with high degree of emotional intelligence are usually motivated. For long term success they are willing to defer immediate benefits. They welcome change, highly productive and very effective in whatever they do.

Empathy – Second most important element of emotional intelligence. This is the ability to understand the wants, needs and viewpoints of around us and recognizing the feelings of others. These people are usually excellent in managing people.

Social Skills – They are team players, love to talk with others, they can manage disputes, have excellent communication skills, help others to win and shine and they are masters at building and maintaining relationships with others (Mind tools content team, 2021).


Advantages of emotional intelligent management


  • Organizations can tap the talents of their workforce.
  • Ability to tackle challenges more effectively.
  • Find faster and creative ways to accomplish tasks.
  • Managers and employees have the opportunity to positively influence others.
  • Properly managed emotions can lead to trust, faith and commitment of employees.
  • Ability to manage stress.
  • Employees feel more efficient, happier and satisfied at their work (Papoutsi & Digras, 2018).



We all have different personalities, different wants and needs and different ways of showing our emotions. Emotional intelligence is very important to manage people more effectively and efficiently. People with high degree of emotional intelligence are excellent in decision making and they are more successful in most of the things they do.


Video I 

Source - https://youtu.be/hlfPjCviTxA


Mind tools content team, 2021. www.mindtools.com. [Online]
Available at: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCDV_59.htm
[Accessed 17 August 2021].

Mind Tools Vedios, 2021. Youtube. [Online]
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlfPjCviTxA
[Accessed 12 08 2021].

Papoutsi, C. & Digras, A., 2018. Emotional Intelligence as an Important Asset for HR in Organizations: Leaders and Employees, Democritos, Greece: Net Media Lab,Institute of Informatics and telecommunications.

Serrat, O., 2017. Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence. 01 ed. Chicago: Asian Development Bank.



  1. An important and interesting topic. Thank you for Sharing Wathsala.
    You have succinctly explained the qualities and advantageous of Emotional Intelligence. Adding to that, Emotional Intelligence can be developed and improved through identifying weaknesses, obtaining feedback and various other methods and as you have said, it is an important skill for HR Professionals to manage employee relationships.

    1. Thank you Fayaz for adding your knowledge to my article. Really appreciated.

  2. As you discussed in the blog , Emotional intelligence help , Building a workforce of sound employees and managers who appreciate their self-worth and that of others contributes to positivity in the workplace. EQ lays the groundwork for employees to flourish and build strong interpersonal relationships, empowering them to create a more meaningful and happier work culture.

  3. Emotional intelligent organizations can touch the talents of their employees and face challenges successfully. Through this Managers and employees will be able to work together, influence others and find quick and efficient ways of doing things. EI attracts HR professionals because it provides a framework, that deals with ethics that are considered to help people become more successful and efficient in the workplace.

  4. The concept of IE is not new. It's been a while. In fact, a book published by Daniel Goleman in 1995 focused on this topic. In a book titled "Emotional Intelligence," Gorman says that emotional intelligence plays a role in determining success on several different levels, including work, relationships, and physical health. Regarding the business world, Gorman said that EI plays a special role in leadership and employee development. Emotional intelligence has become an important strategy for determining whether a potential candidate is suitable for the position you are interviewing and for the entire company.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Emotional intelligence (EI) can play a key role in the work of human resource professionals, as it offers them insights into workers' learning and development. ... Emphasizing EI might help create a happier work environment for workers and supervisors, potentially increasing productivity across your organization.

  7. Thank you for the valuable comment Janarthan

  8. If could add more to your article,
    Emotional intelligence has four levels. Perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions are the four levels of emotional intelligence. When determining emotional intelligence, perception, reason, understanding, and management are all important skills to take into account. Having the ability to navigate through these four levels is a sign of high emotional intelligence. The two are often seen as mutually exclusive. However, emotional intelligence is a crucial form of intelligence that determines a person"s interpersonal skills, ability to work well, and self-confidence (Salovey, P. and Mayer, J.D., 2019).

  9. Thank you for your valuable comment Umesh

  10. This an interesting article Wathsala. Thanks for sharing this valuable content.
    Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, utilize, and control your own emotions in positive ways to overcome from stress, communicate well, understand others, find best solution for the challenges, and get rid from the conflict. That will directly support to build strong relationships any type of condition.

  11. Emotions and other people are inseparable which essential to be addressed utmost sensitivity for workers and organizations' advantage. We may have the best of HR Technology trends as a facilitator to advance productivity and performance but at the same time, we are dealing with humans too and not robots. HR is linked with a number of the foremost emotionally charged moments in an employee’s life cycle ranging from the primary day in office, discussions around compensation or promotions or grievances or training, or maybe the last day of working. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hi wathsala. Emotional Intelligence touches upon every aspect of human life, enabling humans to function with confidence, resilience, motivation, and empathy. HR managers trust on EQ to lead, manage, and collaborate with employees, while managers, in particular, and need EQ to inspire engagement, motivation, retention, and productivity.

  13. As discussed Emotional intelligence is very important to manage people more effectively and efficiently, but HR should take care of all four levels when determining it. It is very important to have leaders in the organization with emotional intelligence which is essential for success

  14. Emotional intelligence is a person's awareness of their emotions and the emotions of others, and how well they are able to control, express, and read them. People who are emotionally intelligent are able to control their interpersonal relationships with thoughtful consideration and rational insights.

  15. Thank you for adding your valuable comment Oshadha
